Are Angela, Michael Still Together From 90 Day Fiance: Last Resort? Where Now

You’ve watched them get married as relative strangers, now they’re putting their relationships to the ultimate test: couple’s therapy. And if you’re wondering if Angela and Michael are still together from 90 Day Fiancé: The Last Resort, buckle up because things are about to get messy.

There’s a lot of content to consume in the 90 Day Fiancé universe. The original show follows couples who have received a K-1 visa, which is uniquely available to betrothed partners of US citizens. The Other Way is exactly what it sounds like—American couples who move to their partner’s home country. “It’s about love,” 90 Day Fiancé executive producer, Matt Sharp, told Gold Derby in May 2022 when asked what makes the TLC reality TV series so popular.

He continued: “Love is primal, but I think we tapped into a couple of things. One is that this show is incredibly authentic. I’m a huge lover of The Bachelor and that franchise, however, we were one of the first shows to actually tell real stories about ordinary Americans and their love journeys. Also, this show is about this journey with other cultures. When we launched this show in 2014, we were on the ‘love frontier’ of this whole new era of finding people all over the world.”

He continued: “This is the most diverse show on television,” Sharp asserted. “You can challenge me on it. We featured people from 51 countries at this point. We have subtitles. We have people that don’t speak the same language and have completely different cultures. We’re trying to tell unique stories every time and when we’re in the casting process we’re evaluating people based on their personalities, backgrounds and their stories, but also we just want to tell unique, fresh, interesting stories.”

Are Angela and Michael still together from 90 Day: The Last Resort?

Status: Married but it’s a mystery.

Are Angela and Michael still together from 90 Day Fiance: The Last Resort? We actually have no idea because there’s a lot of shadiness going on online.

On February 23, 2024. “Michael’s been missing since the 23rd. The police are involved, we can’t find him,” Angela revealed in a TikTok video on February 26. “Michael left everything here. I know that there’s people probably think, ‘Oh, maybe he just left.’ But like, nothing, not any ID, nothing to show his name on it, no clothing, not a toothbrush. Zero point zero zero. No wallet, nothing. Clothes on his back is what he left with on Friday,” she continued, telling 90 Day Fiancé blogger John Yates and viewers that he “only had like $40 on him.”

She concluded: “He’s my husband and I love him and I don’t know where he’s at. As long as he’s safe, just call us. The police are involved. This is beyond what the f–k is going on. You got my four grandkids crying that something’s wrong with you.”

But he resurfaced a month later with a post to Instagram. “Hello, guys, this is Michael. I just want to quickly make this video to inform the public that I’m not on any social media platform right now,” he said in the video which was shared by 90 Day Fiancé fan account, Kiki and Kibbitz. “I mean, at this moment, when the time comes, I’ll make it official. OK, Thank you. And God bless you.”

Angela actually arrived at their final therapy session with divorce papers in hand. But Michael began the session (virtually) by telling Angela how much he loved her. “I promise you my wife, I will not lie to you,” he said. “I will be honest with you at all times. Also, I will make you happy now and forever, my love. And also, I will support you in good and bad times, so help my God. Amen.”

Angela Courtesy of TLC

Then, Angela spoke. “I don’t have to write down nothing that I’m saying to you because it comes directly from my heart. I just want to tell you — I’ve always loved you, never gave up on us, but, you know, I truly love you, or I wouldn’t be here. And I’m shocked I’m doing this, I do love you Michael, with all my heart, but these are divorce papers,” she said. 

After a cliffhanger, Angela tore up the papers. “It breaks my heart that I had to go this far,” she said. “I know we have a lot further to go, this doesn’t stop here. But I’m your wife, and I’m gonna back you up in all that you need.”

In an interview with ET published on August 7, 2023, Angela said: “I am in love with him, but you know, love don’t keep a person together. “You both have to come to an understanding and this journey we’ve been on it just went explosive each season and you can not script nothing like this. This is real-life people and I’m just one that’s not ashamed to show you.”

On why she chose to stay with Michael after his cheating scandal: “I’m older and wiser,” Angela noted. “You know if you would’ve done that to me 10 years ago, five years ago—well six, you know, before Michael—I would’ve left quick. But, the distance people don’t understand. Michael’s an a**, OK? He’s a man, he’s an a**, he’s a freakin’ a**, but, he’s my a**.”

She continued: “This is serious to me, like, this is like to me the last resort,” she stressed. “I’m getting older, and if he is making me think he’s playing with me or if he really is using me to come to someone else, well, you better do some changing because if you don’t … listen, I can love you from a distance and I’m gonna move on because I think I waited long enough for him to change. If you want me to change and be the nice Mee-maw and the boring Mee-maw then do the right thing, but then again I’m a crazy b**ch when I don’t get my way because I have to have my way.”

In the teaser video of 90 Day Fiancé, Angela breaks the unexpected news to Michael. “I do love you, Michael, with all my heart,” she says tearfully. “But these are divorce papers.” Though might be unexpected to him, the 90 Day Fiancé crew were hinting about the split ever since Happily Ever After.

“Right now, divorce is definitely on the table,” Angela told cameras in the show aired in January. “I’m definitely gonna file. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna sign. I’m mentally exhausted and I’m very hurt. With Michael’s lying and all, and all the stuff I just found out, I don’t think he’s ever loved me. I think he loves me ’cause everything I’ve done for him, but he can’t tell me why he’s in love with me.”

We learn that Michael cheated with an unidentified American woman and Angela found out after she discovered he sent an intimate voice memo to the woman while he was still in her bed. “They’ve been talking the whole time we’ve been fighting,” she said to producers while the show was filming. “Not only since I was in Nigeria, but since I’ve come back, Michael has continued to talk to this girl,”

Angela showed one of the voicemails with Michael saying, “I’m trying to call you now. You’re not picking up. I’ve been busy trying to sort things out. Okay? Just trust me, please. Also, I have some money coming to your side. I will let you know, okay? I will call you, please. I love you, and I miss you.”

“Can you believe he said that to this girl?” she said in a confessional. “That’s how he would talk to me. He broke my heart. He really broke my heart. He really broke my heart. I didn’t deserve this.” It also hurt hermore because she promised him that he wouldn’t visit her crush Billy while all of this was going down.

“No matter how much we fight, I have never ever cheated on Michael and I don’t care. I didn’t hide nothing with Billy,” she said. “You know, I had a little crush, I admitted that. It wasn’t a long crush, obviously ’cause I love my husband. But this right here, Michael did this all behind my back.”

“Two weeks we’ve been on the phone like we used to, 24/7. The spark was there. The love was still there,” she said. “I felt like we were on our way, getting ready to bring him here and being husband and wife. We loved each other again. I was happy. I was real happy.”

Michael participated virtually unlike the other couples like Big Ed and Liz, Yara and Jovi, Kalani and Asuelu, and Molly and Kelly. The couple met online in 2018 and subsequently got married in Nigeria in January 2020.

“On one hand, it was really really, really great,” she told Entertainment Tonight about going to couple’s therapy. “At least he was there, you know, but at the end what really got me at the end of the night when everybody got to go home or into the hotels with their partners or at least beside their partners, I didn’t.”

Angela continued, “That’s when the trouble really came because I’ve had everybody’s husbands on my back porch and all the women getting their beauty sleep. I’m like, ‘What the hell’s going on here?’”

“I think this show is gonna knock everybody out the park, because this is the first time couples meet two weeks and live together on an island, not meet at the tell-all,” Angela told ET. “I get chills thinking about it. I’m very excited — even though some outcomes are bad, some are good, and mine, you just don’t know ’till you see it.”

She also talked about her temper. “I had triggers. I never even knew what that word meant. I b**ch and raised hell because I get triggers, especially from my husband Michael, like, he’ll trigger me because he lies so much,” she said. “And little lie, big lie, doesn’t matter to me. You know, some people will just say it’s a little lie, to me a lie is a lie, like, we all lie, right? Like a bill collector says we need your rent or your furniture bill and you say, ‘Oh, something happened, I have to go to a funeral,’ but to me that’s not a lie because it’s something, it’s not hurting nobody, but when you lie to someone you love, that makes me furious.”

During the September 25 2023 episode, Angela and Michael had a major breakthrough. After she confided that she had divorce papers ready to give Michael, the therapist asked her to “put those divorce papers aside so that you can give the retreat the best opportunity without having that threat hanging over him.”

Michael shared via his virtual attendance that “I know I’ve faulted her, I’ve wronged her, but yet she still [finds] a place in her heart to forgive me and still be with me. Baby, I love you so much, you know that. And I’m sorry for everything,” explaining his mother died shortly after Angela learned he cheated.

Angela reflected: “Last year I just felt like he was using me, really, ’cause I never thought he would do what he did,” she cried. “I just thought he was an opportunist. I believe him now, I just needed to hear it from his heart.”

On the episode that aired on October 16, Angela accused Michael of cheating again—this time of having a virtual affair when his costars video called him from a strip club. Ed, Jovi and Asuelu asked Michael to join them at a strip club, though Michael had no interest in coming along because they weren’t his “thing” and also because he was trying to mend his relationship with Angela.

The group called him again but Michael wouldn’t cave and when he told Angela that he didn’t accompany his buddies, she was proud of him. When he said that they’d called a second time, Angela got angry and hung up before Michael had a chance to elaborate. “I just had Michael cheat on me virtually,” she said, adding that she had divorce papers on hand in case situations like these happened.

Angela and Michael started their 90 Day Fiancé journey on season 2 of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days in 2018 after meeting online. The pair continued to share their love story on season 3 and season 7 of 90 Day Fiancé and seasons 5, 6 and 7 of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? but their relationship has been tumultuous.

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