Annoying Things On Makeup and Beauty Social Media Accounts That Need To Stop

I consume makeup and beauty on many different platforms like blogs, via Tiktok, Instagram, Reddit, and on a rare day I’ll even skim a youTube video. Social media can be a dangerous place for makeup and beauty lovers as it creates FOMO, over consumption, and oh yes, rage. There are so many times I want to toss my phone across the room after watching someone on Tiktok doing something that’s annoying. Unfortunately, annoying things are found across many different platforms.

Here are a few things I find annoying on makeup and beauty social media accounts that I wish would just stop.

Please let’s stop dripping serums, foundations or any liquid down your face.
Are we still doing this and also, why? I thought that this type of behavior went away after Farsali stopped becoming a thing on social media but guess again, it’s still happening! I find it gross for some reason and it just feels like fetish content. Let’s just stop dripping foundation down our cheeks and face please? It’s really distracting and not necessary.

Stop trying to make me overconsume every single thing.
There was a whole drama that unfolded recently on Tiktok where some lady was getting up super early to wait at the doors of TJMaxx and Marshall’s to haul Hello Kitty Blankets. There was an entire dramatic uproar about it and it was somewhat sad and hysterical to watch. We had the lady on one hand who was obviously reselling the blankets and the people who wanted the blankets for themselves on the other hand. And I get it, I don’t love resellers either but the rage of people who collect Hello Kitty Blankets was somewhat weird. How many blankets does one person need? You have these people who collect every single Hello Kitty seasonal blanket. Over consuming everything at Home Goods, TJ Maxx, and Marshall’s is huge on social media and it can be annoying as hell to watch. People really push, push, push to buy, buy, buy… Especially a variety of content creators across different social platforms.

Please stop shouting at me. My two ears work fine and if they don’t close caption is a thing.
Why does everyone shout and yell in Tiktoks and youTubes? Literally, YELL! My ears work just fine why are you screaming at me?

Please stop dropping the F-bomb.
I’m no angel and I’ll let loose an F-bomb on occasion but watching a 1 minute Tiktok where some says f*ck at least three times or more is excessive.

Please stop lying to my face.
Please stop saying every piece of make you use is the greatest thing ever and is now part of your daily routine.

Please stop telling me things are super limited-edition.
I really get annoyed with beauty brands are who trying to tell me something is crazy super duper limited only to have them magically restock it. Stop creating FOMO, it’s just not cool.

I can go on and on but these are my top pet peeves across social media. What are some things you find annoying? Do share them!

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