Why He’s a ‘Bachelorette’ Villain

It wouldn’t be another season of The Bachelorette without a villain. Unfortunately for Devin Strader, he seems to take home this title. But what makes Devin so nefarious? Maybe Devin’s zodiac sign can explain why he’s already the villain of The Bachelorette season 21.

Devin’s true colors showed in week two, right after he stole Jenn away on a group date. As expected, the other contestants weren’t happy. Aaron Erb made a point to interrupt Devin’s time with Jenn throughout the remainder of the date. Instead of backing down, Devin returned Aaron’s energy. Another contestant, Thomas Nguyen, confronted Devin at the week two cocktail party. Thankfully, Jenn put a stop to the drama mid-party before week two’s rose ceremony. Much to others’ chagrin, Devin received a rose and continued to week three.

In week three, most men stepped up and stripped down during a group date. But the self-proclaimed love virgin, Sam Nejad, used this as an opportunity to declare his love. Some men began making fun of Sam N., so naturally, Devin stood up for this lovestruck underdog. Despite Devin’s good intentions, it led to another feud with contestant Sam McKinney. Then Sam M.’s animosity toward Devin heightened after Aaron stirred the pot before leaving, claiming that some contestants weren’t there for the right reasons. 

Week four kicks off with Sam M. openly expressing how much he dislikes Devin while Devin lets the hate roll off his shoulders. Although both men were awarded one-on-one dates, it wasn’t enough to cool the drama. More fighting ensued when Devin and Sam M. were left alone to their devices while the others were on a group date. Week five was seemingly no different. Devin preoccupied Jenn on a group date, and the group was incredibly resentful. After winning the title of “most valuable farmer” on the group date, Devin continues onto week six.


Can astrology explain why Devin Strader is the alleged villain this season? Keep reading to find out more about his birth chart!

Devin Strader’s birth chart

Everyone has a unique birth chart—including you. A birth chart can be divined using one’s birthplace, birth time, and birthday. Your birth chart holds a wealth of information, like if you have what it takes to be a sensational villain on a hit reality dating show.  

Devin’s birth chart is calculated based on his birthday, January 31, 1996, and his hometown Rosenberg, Texas as his birthplace. Unfortunately, I was unable to find Devin’s time of birth. Although I’m missing his time of birth, I can still use Devin’s birthday and birthplace to create his birth chart. However, it will miss one crucial piece of evidence—his ascendant, a.k.a. the rising sign. Even though this is unknown, the majority of Devin’s placements can be determined.


Aside from the fact that his rising sign hasn’t been established, Devin is an Aquarius through and through. However his moon sign is also up for debate. Depending on his exact time of birth, he could have a Gemini moon at a later degree, or a Cancer moon at an earlier degree. Given what Devin has presented on The Bachelorette, I would argue that he’s most likely a Gemini moon.

Devin presents as a quirky, intellectual individual who comes across as more rational and logical. Devin doesn’t seem to exhibit the classic moody, sentimental Cancer moon traits. If anything, his Gemini moon likely helps him get through the drama with quick wit and humor. Plus, his Gemini moon would likely square his Pisces Venus, suggesting he may not always think his actions through in love. One example is when Devin took Jenn aside during the group date. While it was romantic, his actions ultimately caused unintentional hurt and backlash. But true to his evasive Pisces Venus, Devin doesn’t ultimately care nor accept responsibility.

Does Devin have any villainous placements? Well, kind of. Devin has an Aquarius stellium and a Capricorn stellium, meaning he has three or more planets in one sign. Having an Aquarius stellium isn’t easy, as Aquarius is the black sheep of astrology, because this air sign isn’t afraid to go against the grain. As a result, this zany air can be a hard pill to swallow. You either love or hate Aquarius energy, because it’s such a radical, unconventional sign. Since Devin has an Aquarius stellium, he will stick out like a sore thumb. Not to mention that the other contestant’s zodiac signs would not fare well with Devin’s strong Aquarius signature.

Aquarius is the black sheep of astrology, because this air sign isn’t afraid to go against the grain.

Meanwhile, Devin also has the hard-hitting Capricorn stellium. Nothing and nobody can stand in a Capricorn’s way. At times, Capricorn’s energy can have an undertone of Machiavellianism. One could argue that Devin’s Capricorn stellium has leaned into an underhanded, scheming energy. One could also argue that the opportunistic side of his Capricorn stellium has also presented itself. Regardless, Devin’s Capricorn stellium isn’t backing down.

Both of Devin’s stelliums are ruled by Saturn, the ruling planet of both Aquarius and Capricorn. Unlike a Venusian signature or lunar presence, Devin’s heavy Saturnian energy will always be a controversial personality. His Saturnian energy will encourage Devin to be remorseful, humble, and determined. Devin’s mature approach isn’t for the faint of heart. But for the right person, Devin’s Saturnian energy will never be too much to handle. 

Despite having a strong chart, Devin’s astrological placements don’t scream “Bachelorette villain”. Maybe I’m an Aquarius apologist, or maybe I’m falling into the reality TV editing trap. Whatever it might be, Devin’s Bachelorette persona and birth chart make him more of an unconventional personality rather than a wicked character. His astrological signatures suggest that Devin is one of a kind, which may explain why he’s not for everyone. However, being different doesn’t necessarily mean that Devin’s a villain.

How is astrology currently affecting Devin?

According to his birth chart and age, Devin Strader is going through his Saturn return. What does this mean for his villain backstory?

In traditional astrology, Saturn rules karma, discipline, and hard work. As a teacher planet, Saturn instills maturity through significant challenges and obstacles. With this in mind, a Saturn return is arguably one of the hardest transits someone could go through. Saturn returns typically occur between the ages of 27 to 30. It’s a period when the transit Saturn in the sky returns to the same sign and degree as one’s natal Saturn. 

Devin’s time on The Bachelorette coincides with his Saturn return, suggesting that there is something to learn from this experience

Devin’s time on The Bachelorette coincides with his Saturn return, suggesting that there is something to learn from this experience. Devin may have felt tested, especially when he goes up against the other contestants who want to tear him down. Being on The Bachelorette will likely teach Devin lessons regarding maturity, integrity, and self-reflection. He will have to rise to the occasion, or buckle under pressure. His Saturn return may also encourage Devin to think about the long haul. Does Devin really want to be with Jenn? If so, he will have to overcome countless obstacles on The Bachelorette to see where his relationship with Jenn may lead. 


Is Devin actually compatible with Jenn Tran?

As an Aquarius, Devin may be drawn to Jenn, since her Sagittarius sun makes her bright and independent. Both zodiac signs value freedom, which makes them innately compatible. Neither Sagittarius nor Aquarius will feel like they’re with a ball and chain as long as they have each other. The combustible blend of fire and air makes for a dynamic partnership. Vibrant Sagittarius can encourage Aquarius to live in the moment; eccentric Aquarius can help Sagittarius be individualistic. Mutable Sagittarius will also remind Aquarius to go with the flow, and fixed Aquarius can steady Sagittarius. Together, Sagittarius and Aquarius are a favorable astrological pair.   

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