Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 841

Seasons greetings! Hard to believe we’re in full-on Christmas season time now, isn’t it? Folks getting their tree (we did today!), putting up the Christmas lights (workin’ on it!), other decorations. I was looking back at December posts over the years, and when I came upon this one it made me smile. 🙂 Mt. Saint Tabby? That was SO Tabs.

It was a quiet morning on our hill today. Nothing really exciting happened, except for some joggers running by, which made a certain someone’s tail poof up…

While Tabs checked out the usual blades of grass, plants and trees, I spent some time thinking about how possessive and jealous Tabs gets now in his older age.

And not just with his humans. He’s also like that with his domain outside. I may or may not have received a Post-It last week asking me to write the city about renaming our hill, “Mt. Saint Tabby,” because Tabs doesn’t like the thought of anybody, and by “anybody,” I mean any other cats, chilling on his hill.

These morning patrols are his definition of “meow time,” because he doesn’t have to compete with anybody else for my attention — not El Hub, the baby, or whatever TJ’s snack would otherwise be making its way to my mouth. When we’re outside, it’s just me and my tabby, the two of us against the world. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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