Select Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 853

That little girl in the picture above turned nine years old today.

Yup, today is Connor Claire’s ninth birthday!


I remember that day up there like it was yesterday. Poor Tabs… He was slightly confused about the overall gist of the festivities.

I think he thought it was a get-together to celebrate him.

We didn’t want to burst his bubble, so we took a brief interlude to sing him the birthday song. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear tabby… Happy birthday to you!” 🙂

Connor Claire didn’t mind, and there was more than enough food, fun and love for everyone.

It was kind of weird, but for the most part, Tabs wasn’t as social as he usually is. He spent most of the afternoon napping at the top of the stairs, away from the party.

I checked in on him from time to time and gave him chin scratches and whispered that I love him.

Maybe he thought that his toddler assistant deserved to be the center of attention for once. I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was it. After all, he was a very conscientious tabby. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Oh, and here’s Connor Claire now, a dancing nine year old. 🙂

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