This Primer Was Impossible To Find

Anyone up for a story time in my makeup world? If so, gather around and I’ll share my tell of woe. I’m not sure when but I purchased Undone Beauty Illuminating Primer at Ulta. I think it was far back as last year that I got it and recently I found it and started using it! Here’s the story…

I have a basket in my beauty room and I put all the items I want to review into it. Actually, I have two and they’re under my vanity where I have my lightbox set up. One basket has smaller items inside and the other basket has larger palettes or gift sets. It’s my review pile so to speak. Somethings get tossed in and never even get reviewed or used as at some point they are donated or friends and family have a go at them. Other times I’ll go through the items and suddenly discover some hidden gem and that’s exactly what happened with the Undone Beauty Illuminating Primer.

Earlier this month I was sorting through a lot of it to donate and I came across the Undone Beauty Illuminating Primer and I was like, eh, I’ll put this to the side it looks interesting. What is it? It’s something I’ve actually made fun of in the past. Not this particular item but I have looked down on and just sort of ranted at priming oils in the past. I’m not a big fan of primer oils. Yes, I have dry skin but the idea of prepping my skin with an oil sounds horrible. I love facial oils but as part of my evening routine now my daily one. Smashbox introduced ones years ago and scoffed at it. I just think makeup over oil isn’t a good combo.

Technically, speaking Illuminating Primer isn’t a full-on oil but it is oily. This is sort of a lightweight gel that turns into an oil as you roll it onto your skin. Yes, roll it as it comes in a squeeze bottle which has tiny rollers so you can gently roll it on. It creates this fresh, dewy finish after you apply it and my foundation LOVES it. I’ve been having issues with dryness around the sides of my upper nose. It’s winter, runny nose, blowing your nose and all that equals dryness. This stuff is great to moisturize that area and anywhere else on your face that’s experiencing flaky dryness. I wouldn’t recommend it for oily skin but for dry folks like me it’s perfect.

Here’s the problem I’m having with it. It’s discontinued. Or at least I think it is. It’s not available at Ulta anymore and it’s out of stock on Undone Beauty. I did a panic buy of a second tube that I got brand new on Mercari for $13.99. Now what am I going to do when I’m done with both? Go sit in a corner and cry about it? Sigh. I had when brands discontinue cool stuff! And I hate myself for just trying this now. This was actually a pretty unique item. It’s an oil but not an oil! Feels hydrating, doesn’t feel sticky or tacky, and hydrates nicely and foundation loves it! My foundation applies so smoothly on top of it. I don’t want to waste what I have but I bet it would be great to mix with a powder blush to create a dewy flush on your cheeks.

Here’s to hoping some brand sees this post and comes out with something as interesting in 2025 or maybe Undone Beauty will read it and bring it back!

What items have been discontinued that you wish you had a stock pile of?

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